Level I catechist formation is for adults seeking to serve children who are three to six years old. This training is at least 90 hours. This is the foundational training for all succeeding levels of catechist formation. All the key themes and presentations that are essential to this method of catechesis are introduced at this level so it is important for an adult to begin at this level. It is also valuable for the adult in understanding the child’s developmental needs and religious capacities at this level.
Part 1
La formación de catequistas de nivel I es para adultos que buscan servir a niños de tres a seis años. Esta formación es de al menos 90 horas. Esta es la formación fundamental para todos los niveles sucesivos de formación de catequistas. Todos los temas clave y presentaciones que son esenciales para este método de catequesis se introducen en este nivel, por lo que es importante que un adulto comience en este nivel. También es valioso para que el adulto comprenda las necesidades de desarrollo y las capacidades religiosas del niño en este nivel.
Part 1St. Alice is happy to host formation leader Jennifer Bell for this Level II catechist formation for adults seeking to serve children who are six to nine years old (or first through third grade). This training is at least 96 hours.
Part 1
September 20-23, 2024
September 27-30, 2024
Part 2
September 5-8, 2025
September 12-15, 2025
St. Alice Catholic Church
1520 E St
Springfield, OR 97477
Tuition $500 ($250 part 1, $250 part 2)
Congratulations to the catechists who completed the seminal infant/toddler level formation (Level T). We were delighted to host Elizabeth Calanchini as our formation leader for the two week formation in 2022-2023. Our own Fr. Mark became the first priest to complete the infant/toddler level formation.