The St. Joseph Homeschool Academy meets on Wednesdays for enrichment classes such as science, art, music, and PE as well as a group Rosary and Mass, and concludes with a lunch cooked by parents. Parents teach the core subjects at home, using a variety of curriculum of their own choosing. To foster community, Wednesdays are our core program and strongly encouraged. Families are required to participate in the entire day. Signing up for an individual class is not available.
Parents are required to be on campus and actively helping in various ways on Wednesdays. Parents volunteer in a variety of roles designed to engage families in an authentic, Christian community, leaning on the strengths and giftings of the members of the community. This could be assisting a teacher in a classroom, teaching a class, organizing supplies, or filling any role that is needed to run the program. Wednesdays are a day that both parents and children are learning and sharing the experience of the day together. Parents are invited to be part of a community rather than a drop-off system, as the research overwhelmingly demonstrates that the number one predictor of a child’s long-term socio-academic success is an involved parent.
Tutoring support is available for Elementary students on Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Tutoring support for middle and high school students is available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. There is a supplemental fee to cover this cost. Please see the “Tutoring Support Expectations” in the handbook for more information.
The St. Joseph Homeschool Academy provides support by coming alongside parents, creating a model of education that supports the parent as the primary influence and gatekeeper in the child's life.
The St. Joseph Homeschool Academy desires to see the next generation fully equipped for service to the Kingdom of God. As Psalm 102:8 says, “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.”